Wednesday, February 24, 2010

from the what the hell files

So the other day I was wandering through Bed Bath and Buy More Stuff when my eye hit upon...finger puppets? For Passover? Depicting the plagues? What the -?

Do people want their children to play with depictions of the plagues? Boils? Locusts? Darkness? Blood? And yes, the death of the first born?

Is this weird and creepy, or am I really ignorant of other's cultural practices? Who buys this?

ETA: Ok, wow. Who knew? Sadly, BB&BMS does not sell them online. My store must be lucky. You can buy them at the Jewish Store for $14, OyToys (great name) for $17.99, or, heck, a bunch of places for prices ranging from $14-$20. You can also buy a box set of toys for each of the plagues from Amazon, though why the first born plague is a nine piece puzzle is not clear. I, uh, had no idea. Although my catholic lenten sacrifice was to stop buying stuff, I have an idea for a giveaway. I'll happily mail one set of puppets to the first person who e-mails me (address at right). A better contest (from someone who receives more comments than I do) would be tell me what plagues you, or something along those lines, but I'll tell you, ever since I was a child, as a first born, the first-born thing - the whole reason for "pass-over" - has really, really scared me. I stay away from plagues.


JW Moxie said...

That is most definitely one of the strangest, most macabre things I have ever seen.

niobe said...

No link???

'cause I need these for my seder.

Tash said...

OMG, I BUY THIS. This is fucking awesome!! I'm not sure about passover per se, but for me? Today? Hell yes.

Dora said...

I WANT THEM! I'm sure someone beat me to it, but email coming.

Nixy said...

this is soooooo amazingly scary! I seriously love it.

The Girl from the Ghetto said...

Probably teenagers buy them?

niobe said...

Yay! Now my passover will be truly complete.

(And I'm pretty sure that it was only the first born *sons* that counted for these purposes. A fact that I, the first born child, comforted myself with many, many times)