Tuesday, November 11, 2008

13 days

It's so hard to believe how quickly these last weeks have gone. Every day flies by. I have an appointment with my counselor tomorrow, and a long list of things to do before the appointment.

Meanwhile, my 38 week appointment was this morning - and as expected, "high and tight." This baby isn't going anywhere until the c-section. The OB had a little trouble finding the heartbeat, which she blamed on the doppler. But I was getting tense. The whole placenta in the front thing is getting old.

Last night I had trouble sleeping, and got up for a bit, thinking, hmm, he's not really moving that much (though he's got his butt stuck so far out my side I can feel it!). Maybe if I get up, it'll wake him, too. So after a pee break, clambered back into bed and tried to settle down again, and sure enough, movement started right away (whew). Except you know that careful what you wish for adage? Tap dancing, shadowboxing, and general mayhem ensued for the next 30 minutes.

Given my history, I'm for the most part reasonably confident at this point. But I know too much, have read too many stories, to be fully confident. It's an unsettled time, but the time is passing quickly. I seriously can not imagine the anxiety of someone who has a very different history than mine, who cannot feel confidence. I am thinking of you all right now.


JW Moxie said...

I always feel the same way in the last stretch of the pregnancy when they run out of room and the frequency of movement seems to slow down a bit. I know that I will feel the same way right from the moment I first feel movement until delivery if I'm so lucky as to get pg in the first place.

Just 13 days left! I'm on pins and needles of excitement for you.

Antigone said...

My placenta is up front as well.

13 days? It's so hard to believe a new person will be here in such a short time.

Antigone said...

My placenta is up front as well.

13 days? It's so hard to believe a new person will be here in such a short time.

CLC said...

I will be holding my breath for the next 13 days!

k@lakly said...

I know, nodding head, I know....
hope the 13 go by quickly. Can't wait to hear some good news!

Tash said...

And us, you. And you do know that whenever you get sufficiently freaked out and need to know right now that the baby is still alive, you can call and go in. Right? Right. Do it.